BackTrack purpose:
Information gathering: This category contains several tools that can be used
to get information regarding a target DNS, routing, e-mail address, websites,
mail server, and so on. This information is gathered from the available
information on the Internet, without touching the target environment.
• Network mapping: This category contains tools that can be used to check the
live host, fingerprint operating system, application used by the target, and
also do portscanning.
• Vulnerability identification: In this category you can find tools to scan
vulnerabilities (general) and in Cisco devices. It also contains tools to carry
out fuzzing and analyze Server Message Block (SMB) and Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
• Web application analysis: This category contains tools that can be used in
auditing web application.
• Radio network analysis: To audit wireless networks, bluetooth and Radio
Frequency Identifier (RFID), you can use the tools in this category.
• Penetration: This category contains tools that can be used to exploit the
vulnerabilities found in the target machine.
• Privilege escalation: After exploiting the vulnerabilities and gaining access
to the target machine, you can use tools in this category to escalate your
privilege to the highest privilege.
• Maintaining access: Tools in this category will be able to help you in
maintaining access to the target machine. You might need to get the highest
privilege first before you can install tool to maintain access.
• Voice Over IP (VOIP): To analyze VOIP you can utilize the tools in this
BackTrack also contains tools that can be used for:
• Digital forensics: In this category you can find several tools that can be used
to do digital forensics such as acquiring hard disk image, carving files, and
analyzing hard disk image. To use the tools provided in this category, you
may want to choose Start BackTrack Forensics in the booting menu. Some
practical forensic procedures require you to mount the internal hard disk and
swap files in read-only mode to preserve evidence integrity.
• Reverse engineering: This category contains tools that can be used to debug
a program or disassemble an executable file.

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