In this method, we are going to use the premium cookies(cookie got from cookie stealing method). Website detects the user based on the cookies. cookies is only factor that detects whether you are normal user or premium user. More details about session and cookies. So Using the Premium cookies , you can make the website to believe that you are the premium user. Sounds good..!! but how to do? This can achieved by Cookies Editing.
Method 1:
* normal Free account in Hotfile
* Premium cookies
* Install Web Developer Add on
Step 1: Install Web Developer Add on
Install the Web developer add on. Using this add on we are going to edit the cookies
Restart the browser. now you can see the web developer toolbar. It consist of Disbale, cookies,css,forms....etc. We are going to use cookies option alone for this hack.
Step 2: Login with Free account
Login to your Free account in Hotfile.com
Step 3:
I hope you are in hotfile.com. Now click the Cookies option in the Web developer tool bar. and select View Cookies information. It will list of cookies.
Step 4: Find auth cookie
Find the cookie that named as "auth". (you can see this if you are login ).
Step 5: Edit cookie
Click the Edit cookie link. It will open the new pop up window.
Step 6:Change the Value
Now Delete the contents of Value Label. Paste the premium cookie that you have inside the value text field. and Click ok.
Step 7: What is the next step?
You are now premium member.!!! Start to download hot file like a premium member. Enjoy..!!!
Method 2:
Method 2 is same as method 1. Instead of editing cookie , we just add new cookie. So for this method, no need of free account also.
1.Visit hotfile.com
2.Click the cookie option as said in the above method.
3.Select Add cookie
4.It will open the small pop up window.
5.enter "auth" in the name field
6.Paste the premium cookies in the "Value" field.
7.Reload the page
8.That's all you finished.
Both methods works perfectly.
Having doubts ..??!! Post comments here.
Here is the one premium cookie for you:(copy it to your desktop, i will delete as soon as possible)
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