But the problem with torrent download is its download speed depends upon the speed of your internet connection and other things like server speed etc.This site fetch.io solves that problem this site has very high speed servers they download it for you to their servers and you can download it directly via HTTP.There are manys other websites like this like torrific.com which provide the same kind of service.
But what makes it standout is it allows you to download your torrent file, and then choose how you want to access it. It will also convert any video format to Flash and MP4 formats, so that now we can stream it directly on computer and phone, as well as through UPnP devices like the Apple TV or XBMC etc. You can also share the files with your friends, which is perfect for those friends that aren't as BitTorrent-savvy. It also works with other online storage services like RapidShare, Megaupload, and MediaFire.
Now the site is in beta phase Now you get 20 GB of free space and 40GB of bandwidth.Once the beta phase is over you may have to pay, but still there will be options for free registration but with some ristriction.
So enjoy downloading Torrents at a super high speed.
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